UHB Service

Our company offers a wide array of logistics services for import and export of goods. Among them are services for bulk cargo, including packaging, repackaging, logistics, and storage. Our experienced team uses advanced technology and facilities to handle large orders with attention to detail and a commitment to the highest quality standards. UHB Service aims to exceed customer expectations and become a valued partner in their supply chain.

Logistics & Warehouse

The preparation, storage, and handling of bulk and packaged cargo is the responsibility of our Terminal Services division. Our experienced team uses only the most advanced technology and equipment suitable for heavy transport, rail or sea freight. This is why we can provide what every customer is looking for: quality handling, on-time delivery, and a valuable partnership in the logistics chain.

Reinforced Concrete

Our Reinforced Concrete division specializes in aerodrome and road slabs. This ready-mixed asphalt alternative is robust and reliable for short-term road construction and is also suitable for temporary or permanent roads, passageways, warehouses, car parks, and other structures. The panels are also often used in transport infrastructure and heavy transport terminals, for example, at construction site entrances.

Say Hello To Our Team

Andrius Ivaška

Managing Director

Gintaras Dulinskas

Head of sales

Donatas Kulvinskas

Project Manager

Marek Stankevič


& Figures

8+ years
in the market

Logistics, import, and export from Central Asia

Annual turnover above EUR 58MM

19 experts
in our team

EUR 15MM investments in production equipment & warehouses


+370 685 68918 | info@uhb.lt
Plento str. 92, LT-19126, Širvintos, Lithuania
Company Code:
VAT: LT100008899017